Fishery Rules

Essington Parish Council -

Essington Pools –


1.1  Rules –

·       Failure to observe these rules or acting in a way that interferes with others ‘enjoyment’ or use of the pools, and surrounding public open space, will result in the offender being immediately banned from the fishery. Essington Parish Council Management & Staff reserve the right to refuse entry and to ask people to leave the premises.

·       If an offender is asked to leave the premises or banned, all payments made are forfeited.

·       All Anglers must be in possession of a valid permit from Essington Parish Council.

·       You are required to be in possession of a valid EA (Environment Agency) Rod Licence.

·       Permits and EA Rod Licence to be produced on demand to bailiffs or any staff/Councillors.

·       *Suspended* Social Distancing is to be maintained at all times (2 meters).

·       All fishing equipment, tackle and bait is to be kept within the peg boundary at all times.

·       Fishing from numbered pegs only.

·       Keepnets are prohibited.

·      *Suspended* No sharing of tackle/equipment between anglers unless from the same household.

·       You must be in possession of, and regularly use Hand Sanitizer.

·       Anyone removing (stealing), cooking or killing fish will be prosecuted.

·       All fish must be returned to the water unharmed.

·       No live baiting or piking outside of 1st October – 14th March season – Any Live bait must be caught from Essington Pools.

·       Do not cut or otherwise damage bank side vegetation.

·       Children must be accompanied by an adult and must be properly supervised (16 years and under).

·       All Anglers, vehicles and belongings are present at your own risk.

·       Car park will be closed as stipulated on the gate – please check closing times on arrival.

·       No Alcohol to be consumed on the premises

·       No Guns allowed on site

·       Permit holders will be held responsible for tidiness in the vicinity of their peg whether or not litter was present on arrival. – It is your responsibility!

·       All rubbish to be taken away and disposed of at home.

·       No Night Fishing - Angling is restricted to Daylight hours only

·       Bait Boats are forbidden

·       Baiting with hemp, boilies, groundbait, pellets etc. is to be kept to a minimum.

·       Bait not used is to be taken home for disposal, not thrown in the water or left on the bank. -  The use of tiger nuts, peanuts and excessive oily baits is not allowed.

·       You must have immediate access to an unhooking mat when fishing for Carp, or other specimen species 3lbs+

·       Fish must be returned back to the water immediately.

·       Use of barbless hooks only - Barbed hooks are strictly banned.

·       All Anglers must restrict fishing to their own peg and not cast across neighbouring swims.

·       Fish being photographed must be taken kneeing down (under no circumstances standing up) over an unhooking mat. Ensure your mat is wet before placing your catch onto it, especially during hot weather.

·       All Anglers must be in possession of a landing net.

·       Rods are not to be left unattended at any time or for any reason.

·       Fish must be weighed using a sling, zipped unhooking mat, or landing net.

·       NO fires or disposable BBQ’s allowed

·       Do not disturb wildlife. - Please advise a member of the team, as soon as possible should any wildlife become hurt, injured hooked or entangled with line or if the line becomes snagged on trees, bushes or any underwater snags during your visit in order that this can be removed at the earliest opportunity. In a wildlife emergency call RSPCA – 0300 1234 999

·       No foul or abusive language, shouting or disturbing behaviour around the pools.

·       No swimming.

·       These pools are within Public Open Space and therefore you’re allowed to bring dogs with you while you are fishing. However, you remain responsible for them at all times, clean up after them and they must not disturb the other anglers.

·       Toilets are unavailable on the site, if you require facilities, go home.

·       Permit holders’ fish at their own risk, no liability will be accepted for any loss of property, accident or injury whilst at these premises.

·       Essington Parish Council, or anyone representing them including Bailiffs and Councillors & Staff accept no responsibility for the Health & Safety of anyone present on site.

·       Permission to fish these waters requires that the rules are upheld and abided by. Anyone found not doing so will be banned, reported, and/or prosecuted.

·       Essington Parish Council reserve the right to withdraw a Permit at any time

·       Essington Parish Council reserve the right to suspend Fishing at any point.

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